We focus on the entire process of the project, concept through completion
We are a leading company, serving clients around the globe
Our experience combined with our dedication to providing outstanding customer service and quality projects, has helped By Flux Engg become a leader in construction management

Energy Audit & Power Plants Efficiency Calculations
Flux Engineering is NEECA certified Energy Auditing firm as well as proud to have ISO 50001 Certified Energy Management Capabilities. Flux Engineering has conducted Energy Audits of more than 200 Manufacturing units.
The tentative activities carried out are as follows: Electrical System Audit At Main Metering Panel LV side:- Verification of Meter Reading
- Electricity Bill/Genset Fuel Analysis from historical data
- Verification of Documents
- Transformers physical inspection and testing report analysis
- Main Distribution Panel
- Generators
- Harmonics Analysis
- Load Analysis of Transformers
- Over/Under loading
- Load Unbalances & Current Leakages
- Harmonics Analysis
- Analysis of Generators
- Fuel Efficiency from historical data
- Frequency Test
- Evaluation of Synchronization System
- Synchronization Controls and Configurations
- Energy Saving opportunities
- Power Distribution Analysis
- Power Factor Control
- Load Distribution
- Unbalanced Loads
- Neutral Load
- Harmonics Analysis
- Power Consumption
- MCC, Drives, Controls
- Operator Procedure
- Load Analysis
- Energy Saving Opportunities
- Water Turbines & Pumps for Water Supply
- Controls
- Review of system for Water Flow & Pressure Analysis
- Load Analysis
- Air analysis
- Valves & Dampers Analysis
- Provisions for AC drives to control flow through valves & dampers
- Energy Saving Opportunities
- System Architecture
- Operator interfaces with reference to Energy & Production Cost
- Online monitoring, analysis & control systems
- Production cost measurements analysis
- Measurement of light Intensity at all offices and electrical/equipment rooms
- Energy Efficient lights
- Light controls
- Electrical Maintenance Program & Schedule
- Addition for Energy Saving points
- Possible Control Loops, Configurations and Speed Controls for Energy Saving
- Review of Work practices
- Reactive, Breakdown, Preventive and Predictive Maintenance
- Existing Energy Management System (Manual or Digital)
- Recommended Energy Management System
- Setting Energy Saving Targets
- KPIs of production, electrical and maintenance departments with respect to energy cost
- Electrical Operations and Safety Signage
- Hazardous Area Classification & Signage
- Tagging & Labeling of Electrical System
- Safety SOPs
- Risk Factors analysis on visual & physical inspection
- Trainings review of the personnel working at work place for safety aspects, safe behavior and effective use of equipment’s to avoid any incident/accident.
- Electrical Safety findings, suggested actions & recommendations
- Personal & Equipment safety
- Comply with statutory regulations and standards for controlling the risks.
- Review of previous accidents and incidents
- Best Practices for Energy Saving & Management
- Action Plan in consultation with clients Technical Team
- Compressed Air System Evaluation
- Compressor Room layout and design evaluation
- On-load/Off-load control
- Compressors’ control and cascaded control evaluation
- Air Reservoir Tanks evaluation
- Filters, Valves, Pressure Transmitters evaluation
- Power Consumption
- Pressure control of Air
- Physical inspection
- Header layouts evaluation
- Energy Saving Opportunities in Compressed Air System
- HVAC measurements (Ambient)
- HVAC measurements (Production)
- Cooling Towers
- Floating point controls
- Chillers Controls
- Ambient controls
- Temp., Humidity
- Action Plan
- Production Machines and their operations
- Review of historical Utilities Cost in Production
- Energy Saving opportunities
- Analysis of Process Control
- Review of historical Utilities Cost in Production
- Controls of Motors, Fans, Pumps, Blowers, Conveyers etc
- Energy Saving opportunities
- Analysis of Utilities Cost in Production
- Energy Saving Opportunities in Production Areas
- Assessment of EnPIs of Production staff
- Power Measurement at Machines Analysis
- Energy Saving Opportunities
- Training on Energy Management
- Certificates of training for ownership, motivation and official responsibility
- A cross-functional team will be formed to implement action pan and continuously set and achieve Energy Saving Targets.
- One Month full support for implementation of Action Plan on Energy Saving Opportunities
- KPIs of departments & personals with regards to production cost and energy saving
- Performance evaluation techniques
- Tools and equipments evaluation
- Personnels trainings evaluation
- Contribution of departments in energy saving and production cost saving
- Incentives etc
- KPIs with regards to energy saving
- Energy policy
- Review and implementation timeline for Energy Audit Action Plan
- Vision and support needed by higher management
- “Energy Management” Training to your Technical & Production Team
- “Maintenance Management” training to your staff
- Session for implementation of Energy Audit Action Plan
- Fuel ultimate and proximate analysis data collection
- Monitoring of fuel to air ratio
- Monitoring of flue gas temperature
- Water quality analysis
- Calculation of loses
- Calculation of efficiency
- Load flow analysis
- Short circuit analysis
- Transient stability analysis
- Motor-starting analysis
- PF improvement analysis
- Relays coordination analysis
- Harmonics analysis
- Arc flash study
- etc

Electrical Design and Planning Services

- Standard Illumination.
- Standing, suspended lamp lights.
- PLCE/LED/SMD & HPIT Lights Layout.
- Indirect Lighting.
- Landscape Illumination.
- External Illumination (Single/Double Arm, Architecture Poles, Bollard, Green Area Illumination).
- Raw power layout.
- UPS power layout.
- Stabilized power management plan.
- Cable Tray Arrangements layout.
- Cable Ladder layout.
- Cable Sizing.
- Conduit Run Plans.
- Dome/Fixed Cameras Plan.
- PTZ / Spy Cameras Plan.
- CNC control & uploading.
- Public addressing / Voice Evacuee System.
- Music (Stereo) System Planning.
- Smoke/Heat/Gas Detection System.
- Burglar Alarming.
- Bio-Metric Registration System.
- Passive Infra-Red Switching.
- Electrical LT Distribution & Panel Boards Sizing.
- Synchronizing Switchgear Sizing.
- Bus Coupler Sizing.
- Lightening steamer / Copper Meshing Layout.
- Copper Cage Layout at Top Floor.
- Lightning Arrestor Layout.
- Emergency Lighting System.
- Egress -Escape/Exit Control Lighting Plans.
- Automatic Standby System.
- Synchronizing Plans (if necessary).
- To plan appropriate earthing demarcation and arrangement as per international codes and practices.
- Provide Single Line Diagrams of electrical distribution system.
- Energy Management by using Occupancy Sensors, Circuit Distributor (If necessary) & Dual Source Metering

Industrial Automation Solutions
- Integrated Control and Safety Systems (ICSS) Engineering services for Plant operator companies
- Industrial and process automation system's integration services for production and maintenance groups
- IIoT, Industry 4.0 Enterprise Level Data Integration services (Plant floor to Corporate Level) to provide production data to planning analysts and enterprise level higher management for planning and decision making. Remote data provisioning, Plant data to mobile devices
- Wiring, manufacturing, Staging, FAT of Control Panels, System Cabinets, Marshalling Cabinets, Control Room equipment, Operator ESD Level 0 & PSD Consoles, Fire water pump panel Integration with SiS, Manual Deluge Panel integration with SiS
- Commissioning and Startup services for Control System Projects Documentation and data Maintenance services for production and maintenance departments
- Long Term Plant ICSS Maintenance support to assist production and maintenance departments
- End user, Maintenance and operation personnel's trainings on ICSS
- CAD 2D/3D Design Drafting, Pharmaceutical Validation documentation per 21CFRPart11, FAT, SAT documentation
- Conception
- Design
- Supply
- Engineering Design, Drawings, Documentation, Panel Integration & Manufacturing, FAT/Staging
- Pre Commissioning/SAT
- Commissioning
- Start Up
- Annual Maintenance Service Contracts
- Specialized Trainings
- DCS: Process Control Systems for Crude/Gas/GTL processing
- SiS: Emergency Shutdown Systems
- SiS: Fire & Gas Detection and Monitoring Systems
- SCADA for On/Of shore Facilities (GTL, Refineries, Well Heads, RTUs & MTUs)
- Offshore Top sides, GS, Jackets
- FPSOs & FSOs
- SCADA Systems for O&G, Pipelines, Terminals, RTUs/MTUs
- Boiler Automation
- Compressors Automation and DCS communications
- Turbines Contro, ESD, Fire & Gas Detection & Monitoring Systems
- Furnace Automation
- Pharma Manufacturing Lines, Autoclave, Distillation/RO water, Bottlepack filling machine, Powder, Containment, BIO related automation
- Autocane Feeding System for Mills
- Continious/Batch Pan Automation
- Boiler, FFE, Talofloc, Centrifugal, Refine, Condensor Automation
- CIP/SIP Skids, Wastewater, RO water skids, Food Manufacturing lines Automation
- O & G (Up, Mid, Down Steram, Distribution, Petrochem, GTL, Offshore, FPSO, Terminals)
- Glass, Cement, General Manufacturing
- Food, Sugar & Pharmaceutical
- Power
- Fertilizers
- OEM Industry

Building Management Systems (BMS)
Building Management Systems (BMS) or Building Automation Systems (BAS) is a computer-based control system that is installed in buildings to control and monitor the entire building’s electrical and mechanical equipment i.e. ventilation, power systems, lighting, fire systems as well as security systems. An intelligent BMS system consists of software and hardware. The software program is configured in a hierarchical manner while using protocols such as C-Bus, Profibus, and so on. The entire installation and design of BMS require an expert team that ensures the smooth working of BMS.SERVICE DETAILS
Flux Engineering is partnered with the world’s top-notch company Johnson Controls and Crestron for the past decade for the Building Management Systems in Pakistan. Our company’s line of BMS includes a list of products for almost every control need, from a remedy for a problem area in the existing building to a comprehensive system for a major complex site. With our experience in the field and endless support of Johnson Controls, Flux Engineering offers BMS design and consultation services. Our BMS features include:- SCHEDULING FOR WEEKDAYS AND HOLIDAYS